Uhunt Hog In A Log

Uhunt Mag Information

  • Posted By : UHUNT APP - Jesse Farr
  • Posted On : Jul 23, 2020
  • Views : 3221
  • Likes : 12
  • Category : PIG DOGGING » STORIES
  • Description : “Zena had somehow gotten behind the pig and now couldn’t get out of the log.”


  • By Beau Lynd 

    It was ten past six on a Saturday morning, and my mate Clarry & I had just pulled up to do a walk through some rainforest area looking for pigs. It had been about a year since Clarry had done this walk and I was keen to tag along with my pups to try to show them some pigs. Clarry had his dogs a mix of Catahoula and Cat crosses and his lugger Zena an American Staffy/Neo mastiff x. We were feeling hopeful after catching a few the weekend before together, one that would have been around the 110kg mark, which was the biggest we had seen in a long time. We started the walk upstream along a river just as daylight was breaking, walking in a light drizzle of rain. It wasn’t long before we heard the dogs bump into a mob.

    Soon after we had a couple of bails going on at once, running from pig to pig dispatching three then the dogs running on to get one more. With four pigs under our belt already at 7.30 am, we were feeling pretty good. As the morning wore on, we cleaned up a few more out of some mobs. We crossed over the ridge behind the river and walked down a trickling creek, using machetes to get through some of the thicker areas as rainforest can be hard going. We finally managed a solid saddleback boar at around 10 am that would have gone around the 80kg mark. With one of Clarry’s dogs Cloe letting out a bark a little while away as we were having a break on the edge of the small creek. The bailed pig made the mistake of running straight towards us and it wasn’t long before the dogs pulled him up and we quickly dispatched him for some photos.  It was time to start the last kilometre back to the car, and we were talking about how good the hunt was going when the dogs slowly wandered out on some older scent.

    Before long they were moving quickly and we heard a bark, the dogs were onto another pig the tracker soon showed one of the dogs treed with the others wandering around nearby but not seeming to find the treed dog. I ran towards where the tracker said the dog was treed, stopping beforehand and seeming to hear dogs barking in the distance. I ran past the treed dog then stopped and listened thinking the trackers must have been off a bit which is not uncommon in the rainforest, but hearing what seemed like distance barking behind me. It was then that we realized the dog had treed up in a massive log around 10m long and a bit over a meter high. As we approached another bailer entered and Clarry’s lugger Zena. Hearing them grab the unknown size pig inside we tried to reach the pig the same way the dogs went in, but the log was too small to fit up once you entered. We didn’t really want to head-on into a big battle and risk injury, especially so far from where a vehicle could reach. 

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