Uhunt Moldy Foods Fatal To Dogs!

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  • Posted By : BRISTLE UP
  • Posted On : May 02, 2019
  • Views : 3350
  • Description : "A spate of fatal liver failure in dogs has led to vets warning of the risks associated with moldy foods and dogs."


  • A spate of fatal liver failure in dogs has led to vets warning of the risks associated with moldy foods and dogs. If your thinking of feeding your dog some moldy bread or some moldy dog biscuits, think again. Now I've heard the phrase "a bit of penicillin won't hurt them", penicillin is produced by only certain species of Penicillium fungi, which only produce penicillin when under stress. All molds contain mycotoxins which are deadly to pets and humans. The mold found in dog foods, breads, cereals commonly contain mycotoxins that will potentially harm your self and your pet. The problem is the mycotoxins that are Potentailly produced by the molds; these toxins can cause liver disease and sickness in dogs and cats.

    The Concentration of these toxins may vary depending on the composition of the food, humidity, temperature, and oxygen. Subsequently, the concentration and length of exposure will likely determine your dog's fate. So simply put; you should avoid feeding your dogs any moldy foods and try to keep your dog biscuits dry and if possible store in sealed containers. It's also advised feeding your dog's controlled amounts that your dog will consume in one sitting. This is particularly important during rains and floods as this is the time when the molds will thrive at there best.

    There are many types of mycotoxins that will have different symptoms and signs or there may be multiple exposures to different mycotoxins causing combined symptoms. 
    These symptoms could indicate mycotoxin poisoning.
    - Vomiting 
    - Diarrhea 
    - Restlessness 
    - Disorientation 
    - Tremors 
    - Seizures 
    - High fever (hyperthermia) 
    - Abdominal pain

    Take your dog to the vet immediately,
    Treatment for mycotoxin poisoning may vary but includes halting or minimizing absorption by making your dog vomit, lavaging the stomach, and tubing with activated charcoal. The vet will also attempt to control tremors and seizures using drugs delivered intravenously, and providing supportive care with IV fluid therapy. With early, appropriate treatment, the prognosis is good for most pets.

    These are the most dangerous of foods toxic to your hairy friends. There are others, including potato peelings, the pips from pears and the kernels from stone fruit such as peaches, which can cause cyanide poisoning. All parts of the avocado are toxic to dogs, as are the leaves and stems of the tomato plants. Broccoli, eaten in large quantities, can be poisonous too.

    While these may not be as life-threatening as the major toxic foods, they can definitely make your dog very ill. Animals are going to continue to poison themselves because they have no idea what’s good for them, or what’s bad for them. We can never hope to eliminate those bad habits but you do need to be vigilant — especially about that enticing chocolate cake is left out on the kitchen bench.