Uhunt Boar Hunters Life

Uhunt Mag Information

  • Posted By : BRISTLE UP
  • Posted On : Jul 08, 2019
  • Views : 2855
  • Likes : 12
  • Description : “I love living in the Top End amongst the jungle and the floodplains”


  • By Steph Hudson

    I grew up in Melbourne, lived in a posh house, went to posh schools and was terrified of bugs, snakes and dirt. I never thought I would end up pig hunting but now I wouldn’t change it for the world. I moved to Gove in Arnhem land 10 years ago and I got my first experience hunting when I went out to a friend’s traditional land hunting Buffalo and Pigs. It was an incredible experience and opened my eyes, making me realize there was so much more to life than just shopping and the usual daily drudges. Since then I’ve been all over Australia hunting different animals, Sambar Deer in Victoria, Camels and Goats in WA & Buffalo and Pigs in the NT. I love living in the Top End amongst the jungle and the floodplains; it gets in your blood, and I never want to leave. In the last 2 years, I have got into hunting with dogs. One afternoon two years ago my partner took me out hunting for pigs, the dogs were on, I ran as quickly as I could to them after this I was hooked. I have spent the last two years learning how to hunt with dogs, developing and training my pack. Many months of this came with much frustration and aggravation of not getting anything, dry run after dry run! It felt like every time I went out I came back with nothing; I would have been happy if I even saw a pig! From time to time I would stumble across a pig, and the dogs would prove that they could do this, and that would be enough to keep me going back for more and not giving up. 

    In the last 6 months our pup Jezza stepped up to the plate, finding and holding them. With the help of his 3 best mates, they’ve turned into quite a pack. I have been on many hunting trips in the last two years but my favourite trips are when our friends the Traditional Owners of a small outstation in Arnhem land invite me out. The scenery is incredible and when I first went out there the place was untouched. The dogs hit up on pig, after pig, after pig. The hunting ground is a massive floodplain which is full of wildlife. Bantang, Buffalo, Magpie Geese, Brumby’s and best of all lots of Pigs. It is hunting heaven out there. I travelled out there again this weekend and could not wait for the 6-hour drive to hurry up so we could plate up the dogs and get out there. I cannot explain how magical this place is but if you ever get the chance to hunt out in Arnhem land jump at it. Our first night started out great we headed out on the buggy and I was standing on the back scouting for eyes in the distance. The dogs were on, they ran off and grabbed their first pig and held it until we could finish the job. We were laughing and having a good time until the buggy hit a tree stump and I flew from the back, hitting the ground. I was badly winded and thought I had broken something for sure. Luckily I was fine but very banged up, sore and bruised. We called it a night and went to bed ready to get back up at 5 am. The morning came and I was ready, we plated the dogs and set off, this time I chose to sit inside the buggy. 

    My adrenaline was pumping as the dogs got onto their first couple of pigs, but we were chasing the big solo boar. The next morning, we found him; we spotted him before the dogs and headed over there as quickly as we could, flying across the rough floodplains and holding on for dear life. The dogs jumped off and they were on. This boar was giving my main dog Jezza a run for his money, he was getting thrown around but he did his job and took it like a champion. After we finished him off the next issue was getting it to a tree to weigh this big boy. We ended up having to winch the pig across the channel as the mud and the water was too deep for the buggy to get through. All pig hunters will be able to relate to this, often there are times where you look back and think I’m so lucky nothing happened to me. Well looking back now wading through that croc infested channel was not my smartest move but I was so keen to get to that pig I didn’t stop to think. When we hung that pig from the tree, I was the most excited I’ve ever been since the first time I chased after my first ever pig. The boar weighed 116 kgs and is my biggest boar to date. It was such a good team effort but most of all I was proud of my dogs. They have come so far, and all the hard work that has been put into them has paid off. 

    After 3 days we had caught plenty of pigs, waded round in croc infested water, covered in leaches and mud up to our knees, but sadly all good things must come to an end, it was time to go home. The return trip home ended up being quite a bit of a disaster, we lost the roof top tent from the trailer, the trailer became dethatched from the vehicle and luckily it didn’t break free and no one was hurt. Those who have driven the roads into Arnhem land understand the harshness of the country and the rough roads. It ended up being quite an expensive trip, but that’s all part of the boar hunter’s life. I am so lucky to be invited to such places and experience these incredible things, and even though we had a few hiccups it made it all worth it. I am already talking to the Traditional Owners and planning another trip in the next couple of weeks. My life is Pig Hunting now, and I work to hunt and every last dollar I make goes to towards my obsession. Feel free to follow me on Instagram – Girlshunt2nt to keep up-to-date with all of my latest adventures.