Uhunt Boar Brothers

Uhunt Mag Information

  • Posted By : UHUNT APP - Jesse Farr
  • Posted On : Jan 06, 2020
  • Views : 2937
  • Likes : 13
  • Description : Hunter & Nics Story (Kids Comp Entry)


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    By Rickie flett

    Hi legends our names are Hunter and Nic we call ourselves the boar brothers. We love to get out in the bush and help dad smack a few boars. We are 10 and 8 years old, we have our own dogs and it's a bit of a toss up to see who has the best dogs. I think it's my dog bozo and Nic thinks it's his dog spud. Oh and then there's mum and our sister Azzra who think there dogs are better but we won't go there lol. We were out running some feeders a few nights back when we came across a good mob of pigs and it was time to release the hounds haha, I love to say that. Dad hit the switch and the dogs were off like a bullet. Pigs and dogs running everywhere but so much dust made it hard for the dogs but it's wasn't long before it was time for the boar brothers to get out and get into the action with dad's help of course. Bozo pulled up a good boar about 75kg and Nics big fella ended up with a handy boar that was well into the 90's. All the dust cleared and it was time to give the hounds a drink and a cool off and look for a few more. We ended up with 2 more little fellas for the night then it was time to head home put the dogs to bed and us and dream of big boars once again.