Uhunt Mag Information

  • Posted By : UHUNT APP - Jesse Farr
  • Posted On : Feb 05, 2020
  • Views : 4491
  • Likes : 1
  • Description : Brian Schalk's Milo 3yo WOLFHOUND/DANE X BULLY STAG


  • By Brian Schalk

    Milo - Woldhound/Dane X Bully Stag

    We haven’t had Milo since she was a pup, we got her at about 2.5 years old. The Casben’s, the previous owners had already started her at about three months old. She fit right in with us and was eager to please and hunt from the beginning. She is really quick but quiet when she is after a pig which is great in certain situations. She’s a hard holder, hitting the pigs front on and swinging hard, pulling them up fast and stopping them in their tracks. She is a consistent and reliable hunter with very little improvement needed. Unfortunately, though she is good, she does need more numbers to build her confidence when she’s finding on the flat country as she was trained in the hills mainly as a sight dog and where we are now it’s different country although it hasn’t stopped her from giving it a go and pulling anything up.

    Some more numbers will help continue to build her confidence hunting in her new environment and help her remember to use her nose a bit more instead of waiting until we see them. She has always been fantastic with kids, cats and other animals. She's very playful and happy to be around you. Milo is a highly driven dog; she is always keen to hunt and has lots of energy to use. She’s a very capable scenting dog, able to pick up scents from both the ground and the back of the Ute. She normally will jump straight off if she’s working the back and gets keen. Most of the time, we can normally tell if its old scent, she tends to jump and circle close to the ute. On the other hand, if its fresh, she will float straight out. Generally, she will find out too about 500m, but she does push out to 1 km. 

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