Uhunt Getting Started

Uhunt Mag Information

  • Posted By : UHUNT APP - Jesse Farr
  • Posted On : Feb 05, 2020
  • Views : 5958
  • Likes : 1
  • Description : Picking your own way to hunt is the best way to go about it.


  • By Izzy Sesto 

    Starting something completely new in your life is very daunting and can be extremely intimidating and challenging at the beginning. From getting your gun license, to picking the perfect gun, then what ammo to use and finally how to actually find the animals you are hunting for, all come with the challenges at the start of learning how to hunt. However, this is what makes a hunter. The passion and commitment you have to learn and the patience to keep going with the many unsuccessful hunts to come.

    The best advice (and arguably the most important) I could ever give is to surround yourself with likeminded passionate hunters that are willing to teach you the ropes. I was fortunate to have keen deer (Sambar) hunters to take me and teach me how to hunt these unique animals from the very beginning. Simple information from reading the wind, finding the fresh sign and showing me the types of country that the animals would live in really got me on the way to being quite successful at hunting sambar by myself.

    Any bit of advice is good advice. Every single person I have met that hunt deer have different facts or methods. As well as their own opinions on how different techniques work. Hunting sunny cliff faces in the morning, halfway to three quarters up a hill, bedding under a large tree or on a windy day in the thick dogwood. Taking advice from as many people you can and picking your own way to hunt is the best way to go about it. The first gun I shot out hunting and taking my very first animal was in 300 Winchester Short Mag (with Norma Kalahari). It was a neat 21inch velvet Sambar Stag which was bedded down in the Bracken. When it comes to guns a lot of people put thousands of dollars into their Firearm and Scope.

     I have possibly the most basic yet practical set up. As well as my gun i have Swarovski 10x42 bonoculars & outdoor edge razor knife. My Ruger American .308win with a Leupold scope completely set up would have only cost me just under $1000. The reason I chose this gun was mainly that it was so light to carry in the bush. Luckily before I purchased my gun I had shot a few of my friend’s different calibers to see what I liked such as .300wsm, .270, .338, .300wm and the .308 which was by far my favorite in terms of recoil and available ammunition for large game.

    Trying the guns and their calibers before you purchase is a good way to know what you are in for and what suits you. At the very beginning, I would read as much published material and scroll through the internet for information, joining Australian hunting groups and forums. Read and read, then ask a question or two based on what you have read. Followed by speaking to other hunting friends if this is available, if not join a hunting group, they may not take you hunting straight away however they should point you in the right direction of the equipment, packs, clothing and hunting tools you will need.

    Then head down to a couple of firearms shops, let them know what you are going to be hunting and what you have to spend, most have a layby system and will help with the permit application as you are not ready to head out on the day of purchase if you are so new to the hunting scene. Once you have chosen your firearm setup, you’ll need to sight it in with the right ammunition. Sighting in is as personal as is the “right” ammunition. I prefer a heavy bullet in the 308win if it is for Sambar, or in some cases I have used expanding all copper bullets that are lighter and shoot flatter. It will depend on what your firearm likes to shoot accurately. To do this you should buy a few boxes of different ammo for the animals you plan to hunt. Start by shooting a couple of groups of three shots and see which gives the smallest group, friends or the staff at the gun shop should be able to assist with explaining this process. 

    When it comes to sighting your rifle in I personally prefer a  few centimetres above the crosshair at 100m, allowing the bullet to drop if the animal is past this distance. Once you have found the right ammunition and you can finalize sighting your rifle in you can get started. Make sure you’re ready before going out hunting will avoid disappointment and frustration out in the field. You should have enough information from other hunters and the tools to harvest the animal. Now it is time to ask friends or hunting organizations (or a guide) about some hands-on experience with the animal you wish to hunt for. Enjoy every day of hunting and stick with it, persistence and learning is key, good luck!

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