Uhunt Pig Dog Myths - Grieg Tonkins

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  • Posted By : UHUNT APP - Jesse Farr
  • Posted On : Mar 29, 2020
  • Views : 8242
  • Likes : 17
  • Description : Busting a few "pigdog" myths and stereotypes.. 


  • Busting a few "pigdog" myths and stereotypes.. sorry for the essay

    So with everything going on nowadays and everyone being an expert and having an opinion, I thought I would take the time to throw my opinion and experience out there to address myths and stereotypes about "pigdogs" or what is also known nowadays as "conservation detection hunting dogs"

    1--- "Pigdogs" aren't a specific breed!!

    They're a dog that does a job of hunting feral pigs, and every dog should have some type of 'job' as many behavioural issues can arise without one. Just about ANY dog breed and combination can be used, mastiffs, cattledogs, bulldogs, wolfhounds, collies, kelpies, danes, pointers, terriers even some that may seem strange are old english sheepdogs, labradors, german shepherds etc basically you could teach any dog to do that job because ALL dogs were bred for a purpose such as hunting, herding or working, companion or guarding. Remember there were no handbag designer lapdogs with thundershirts or essential oil bandanas back in the 1600s

    2---"Pigdogs" aren't used to kill pigs!!!

    They are used to find pigs in all various types of terrain by scent detection, then they stop them by either working them like a sheep if they are a bailing dog type or holding them in one spot by the ear so the hunter can humanely dispatch them if they are a holding dog. Of course, the dog does have a chance of injury, but it is significantly lessened by the dog being very fit and healthy and the use of protective equipment like chest plates and neck collars.

    Remember there are plenty of "pet dogs" injured and killed in backyards and on streets every year also from 'accidents"

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    3--- "Pigdogs" breath fire, will attack anything they see and will basically eat your children...

    Absolute rubbish!! The media and certain members of society love to fear monger and spin information to create drama where there shouldn't be any. Any dog at all has the ability to bite and attack things they shouldn't, such as other dogs, animals and of course people.

    The big issue in today's society is that people have dogs and don't give them a job, outlet or a purpose. It would be like being a boxer, training and practising with your mates but never being allowed to punch anything; frustrating to say the least. The majority of pet dogs do not even leave their small backyard for a daily walk!!! Not only for physical exercise but also mental stimulation also!! End up with a crazy dog that when it does escape, there is an incident and everyone goes straight to "pigdog!!!!

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    4--- "Pigdogs" are starved, locked in cages and forced to hunt!

    Unfortunately these days the majority of society has become so used to seeing fat, overweight and morbidly obese dogs so much that a fit and healthy dog appears staved to them. It is absolutely tragic that their dogs suffer from being killed with love.

    Of course, most hunting dogs are secured in cages, as most hunters have multiple dogs and it is a responsible thing to do as an owner!! If more dogs were contained properly when owners were not home then escape rates and dog incidents would dramatically plummet!! It gives the dogs their own personal area where they feel comfortable and safe. They seriously love their kennels.

    Forcing them to hunt is just a deadset joke. How do you exactly "force" a dog to do what I have described above?? You can't!! End of ridiculous myths.... boom!

    So properly trained and socialized hunting dogs are a pleasure to own, as they are well-traveled and experienced animals who have been in various situations regularly from a young age, are exposed to a number of animals and dogs constantly and lead a very enriching and fulfilled life. They are fed a great diet, and are supremely fit and healthy canine athletes!

    Now don't get me wrong, in ALL aspects of life there is good and bad, you only need look at events that have happened recently to see and know that it's true. There is always going to be good and bad no matter what you are involved in. Unfortunately, a few bad apples always spoil the barrel. BUT these are just a few of the points that are consistently raised by the anti-hunting community or outspoken animal libbers with no idea. There are good and bad pet dog owners, and good and bad pigdog owners, just like everything else.

    Just because your dog is fat and seems content laying around the yard or house being cuddled and given all the treats it wants doesn't make me a bad person because I have fit athletic machines that absolutely loves doing what they were bred for!! And yes, mine come inside and love cuddles and treats as well.

    Hope this has changed some views on the way that society views our dogs and what they do. It is not everyone's cup of tea and I respect that totally, it would be great if that respect went both ways. Remember to clean up your own backyard first before looking at others.

    Written By
    Grieg Tonkins
    Blue Collar Canines

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