Photo 262 of 432 in Wall Photos

-- Mystery weight update --
- Weight updated to 70 - 150kg
- All entries that do not place in biggest boar will automatically go into mystery weight.

BRISTLE UP's Album: Wall Photos

  • richard morley
    richard morley Hi there is it five pigs for each comp or is it five pigs all up
    April 29, 2022
  • richard morley
    richard morley And is it boars and sows or just boars
    April 29, 2022
    BRISTLE UP Hey Richard it’s 5 pigs per mystery weight category and they can be boars or sows. So 5 entries for 30kg - 69kg & 5 entries for 70kg - 150kg
    If you get a good boar but I doesn’t place for biggest boar you will go intro mystery weight also
    April 29, 2022