Photo 14 of 755 in Wall Photos

Only post PHOTOS on uhunt for your entries as tons of videos loaded at once will overload our servers. Save the videos for if you win to send to us for verification.

1. Please take Two CLEAR photos of the pig and both need to contain the KEYWORD written on something like paper, cardboard, or tape. One photo of the entire pig in one shot showing the size of the pig and the second clearly showing the scales. Scales must be on KG and not on the hold mode. Anyone cheating will be permanently booted from any future comps.

2. IF YOU WIN we require you to show a full uncut video of the pig being weighed from start to finish clearly showing that no one is interfering with the weight. This means filming the scales being TARED before lifting the pig and showing the pig being lifted up from a distance showing the entire pig and then walking up to film the weight on the scales. If you are unable to produce an acceptable video to prove you weighed the pig correctly, you will not win. You must also clearly show if the pig is a Sow, Boar or Barra. Barra’s will not be counted as Boars. VIDEO MUST SHOW THE KEYWORD.

3. All tusks must be measured while attached to the pig using a sewing/soft measuring tape (not a builder’s tape), these tapes can be brought at any shopping centre and some service stations, newsagents etc. We will not accept measurements from tusks removed from the pig. When measuring the tusks please measure from the GUM LINE to the TIP of the tusk on its LONGEST SIDE ON THE CURVE (OUTSIDE LENGTH) for both bottom tusks. The grinders are not counted. We use the total of both bottom Tusks in millimetres for the win. Please take photos of the measuring of each tusk. THE KEYWORD MUST BE SHOWN IN ALL PHOTOS.

4. PURE WHITE OR DOMESTIC PIGS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. This causes to much drama judges have final say on any pigs that appear suspect. It is best to also have a video of the dogs catching the pig as this can clear up any doubt, if there is a reason to doubt. Any questions please contact us.

Happy hunt and Good luck everyone. The keyword that must be show in all videos and photos is “GHC158”

Photo Credit: Cassandra Clark.

UHUNT APP - Jesse Farr's Album: Wall Photos