Photo 251 of 271 in Wall Photos

Need some help off u guys
Some remedies or products to buy to help with these. Thanks
☆ ripped pad / rip it on stick or something.
☆ ears bleeding
☆ hot spots on white dogs feet
Please no hate or hateful comments
Thank u

Toya - Wirri West Arabs 's Album: Wall Photos

  • Noel Speering
    Noel Speering hunting in hot areas we would slowly walk abit than run a little on the road “bitumen “ BEFORE going on these trips west or far north 3, to 4 weeks before going But now see a vet ,some sprays and cream will help boots for awhile it will take...  more
    July 26, 2021 - 2 like this
  • Toya - Wirri West Arabs
    Toya - Wirri West Arabs Thanks
    He hasn't wore he's pad off. He has ripped it on something. When playing around on Saturday
    July 26, 2021
  • Todd Baker
    Todd Baker Rub some kiwi boot polish on their pads, hardens them up without splitting them.
    July 26, 2021 - 1 likes this
  • Rob mountain boars
    Rob mountain boars Pig dog cream is good so is tough foot
    July 26, 2021 - 1 likes this