Photo 252 of 432 in Wall Photos

KEYWORD - Filthy Comp

Start date 15.4.22 to 4.6.22

Please read all below information.

Keep a eye on this post for updates.

Prize allocation to come. We have just been flat out with a lot of other stuff so we thank you all for your support & patience.

• Mystery weight will limited to 5 entries over the duration of the comp. Each entry needs to be uploaded separately. Please post this to uhunt app as your entry will be much easier to find. Please post with your name and weight for the entry & hashtag #boarsforfilthy #uhuntchampionships

Make sure your keyword is visible when weighing pigs or your entry will not count.

-The biggest boar entries need to be weighed correctly or your entry will not count. All pigs should be weighed with a full video of the pigs being pulled up start to finish showing the scales zeroed at the start and no one standing near the pig while it is pulled up. These videos don't need to be sent to us or posted but we will need them if you win any places. We will be firm but fair with the weighing of the biggest boars so make sure you take the time to weigh them correctly. Make sure your keyword is visible when weighing pigs or your entry will not count.

-All sponsors will send out their donated prizes to the winners from their location. We are not liable for prizes not being received and we hope that all businesses will handle this with no problems.

-Anyone entering needs to have donated at least $10 to Jed Farraways go fund me page. If you have not donated your entry will not count. There is a link in the comments to this go fund me page.

Make sure you hashtag #boarsforfilthy & #uhuntchampionships so we can find your entries for biggest boar. Don't forget to post all mystery weight entries on uhunt to ensure we don't miss anything.

--Terms & Conditions--

We have the right to refuse individuals from entering at our discretion.

We have the right to refuse any entries at our discretion.

We want this to be a successful and smoothly run comp with respect shown towards Jed and his family so we will be firm on everyone doing the right thing & showing respect.

You must post your mystery weight on uhunt correctly according to above rules or it will not count.

Make sure your key word is shown while weighing or it will not count.

BRISTLE UP's Album: Wall Photos