In this short film, we follow Travis Platen on hunting adventures all over the Fitzroy region in Queensland. Travis works on a cattle station and has been hunting pigs for a long time. He used to run one out holding dogs, that was until he hunted with an ...
Coming up in Part two of the Championships, the Bastard Smith Brothers make their way to the Cape aiming to measure a good set of hooks, then they head out to a local block in the Fitzroy region to try and catch a Sow and Boar to take on the Queensland te...
Welcome to part two of round 3 of the championships, In the last episode we saw Matt Devro from the northern territory take the lead by a small margin just ahead of team hit and split. Soon we will join Jarrod on another hunt as he heads out to try and sn...
The championships are back and it brings with it new teams and new challenges. We go back to a one round, one winner system per state, and there is plenty of action and good times coming up, so we hope you enjoy the episode. If your keen to join the champ...
Today Steve is teaming up with Jesse Farr and heading out to try and catch a few good boars off the sorghum stubble, then a mate brings in the chopper and they take out a heap of pigs to keep the property owner happy. The boys will then have to drive arou...
In this episode we meet the Bastard Brothers and their team of hard-working pig dogs, then we join them on some intense heart-pounding hunts as they catch some nasty fighting Boars in Queensland Australia. Though they manage to find plenty of nasty hogs t...
This series follows Mad Mick on hunting adventures throughout the central highlands in Queensland. Mick is a contract fencer and has hunted wild Boar his entire life. He is known for his character and wild antics, which will keep you on the edge of your s...
This episode we jump forward a few years and take a look at some of the latest footage Jake and the team have captured. He's a little older, a little wiser and with some new cameras and gear the quality has gotten better as well. He's still hunting a vari...
This episode Johnny and his team of dogs hit the river country. They struggle to find Boars to start with but that soon changes. Johnny tries his luck spearing a big boar and the dogs pull off some wicked finds. An episode not to be missed.
This episode we are spicing things up by introducing a new state based scoring system that puts all states on even footing. Watch 10 teams from all over the country go head to head catching heaps of tonners, 4 weighing over the 130 kilo mark. With some ne...